Writing Tests for React Components

Writing Tests for React Components

React Testing

it ('shows a comment box v1', () => {
  const div = document.createElement('div');
  ReactDom.render('<App />', div);
  // considered a bad practice because it makes the test fragile  
  expect(div.innerHTML).toContain('Comment Box');

it ('shows a comment box v2 using enzyme', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<App />);
  // better test since it has no knowledge of
  // the inner workings of the component

React / Redux Testing

  • Create a <Root /> component to wrap your store so that components you're planning on testing can have access to your Redux store
  • Add an initialState props to your <Root /> component, so that children components can easily mock their data

How to use enzyme

  • npm enzyme is a testing utility from AirBnB that allows you to mimic DOM operations.
  • Enzyme uses cheerio so you can use jQuery selectors, and has methods that can simulate events and render components.
  • Create a src/setupTests.js file. This is called by jest when bootstrapping. Add this in the file
// https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme
import Enzyme from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';

Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
  • Enzyme has a simulate method to simulate a native javascript event

Enzyme Renderers

  • Static - render component and return HTML
  • Shallow - render component w/o children
  • Full DOM - render component w/ children

Mocking axios request with moxios

beforeEach(() => {
  moxios.install(); // intercept axios requests
  moxios.stubRequest('AJAX URL', {
    status: 200,
    response: { /* EXPECTED RESPONSE DATA */ }

it('test', (done)=>{
  // triggger the ajax request
  const wrapper = mount(
		<App />
  // introducing a delay for simulating ajax requests
  // there's also moxios.wait() from the documentation
  moxios.wait(() = > {
    expect(wrapper.find('li').length).toEqual('MOXIOS RESPONSE');

afterEach(() => {